NNFS Dec. 8 Virtual Conference

by | Nov 30, 2021

The 2021 NNFS Annual Meetup is Dec. 8 — It's virtual

Last year, another setback from the pandemic was cancellation of the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors’ conference, an annual event held in various locations around the country since 2007.

December 8 you’ll have a chance to catch up with fiscal sponsor colleagues at a virtual meetup. There will be keynotes, group sessions for sharing expertise and best practices, and announcements of NNFS’ plans for the coming year, which include an in-person conference and several online meetings.

Fiscal sponsorship is thriving nationwide. Tax-exempt organizations, large and small, are recognizing their unique ability to support startups that serve widely diverse community needs. The sponsors’ diversity, too, has always been a benchmark of the annual gathering, and will be this year as well.

For more information about next week’s conference, read this post on the Fiscal Sponsor Directory, then register to attend.

Marjorie Beggs, guest contributor, is senior writer and editor at San Francisco Study Center